Monday, December 14, 2015


“We were created for a purpose”.  No matter who we are it is important to know that we were born for a reason, and we are not an accident.  I know my mother told me that her and my father hadn’t planned on having another child, but 11 years later I was born.  Even though my father and mother didn’t planned on having me, they were still glad and grateful that I was born.  Later as my two older brothers became adults and got married, I lived with my mother until I got married.  As mother got older and needed more help I was able to move her in with my family in order to take care of her.  My mother had taken care of me all her life, and I felt God had blessed me to able to take care of her.  I felt I was born for a purpose, to be there for my mother.

Today I want you to know that your birth wasn’t an accident, and your life has meaning and purpose here on earth.  In a book called “The Purpose Driven Life - What On Earth Am I Here For” written by Rick Warren, he shared the purpose for why we were created.  In the book under a section called “Day 2 You Are Not an Accident”, he says “Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature.  Your parents may not have planned you, but God did.  He was not at all surprised by your birth.  In fact, he expected it.  Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God.  He thought of you first.  It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment.  You are alive because God wanted to create you!” 

I believe we were created for God’s purpose of honoring Him with our lives, as we live out our life’s purpose.  All of us were born with gifts and talents to use in order to fulfill our life’s purpose.  A biblical principle reveals to us how we are created.  In Psalms 139:14 it says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  We were created for a purpose.  Last week we started looking at five things that can help us discover and fulfill our purpose, which are: passion, preparation, plan, priority, and path.  We covered passion and preparation in detail, and today we will cover plan, priority, and path.  
·      Plan – Once we discover our purpose through our passion and begin preparing ourselves for fulfilling it, next we need to make a strategic plan for achieving our life’s purpose.  We must carefully plan out each phase and write down the associated cost with it.  If you feel your purpose is to do a particular thing in life, then make a plan so you will know what direction you need to go in order to fulfill your purpose.
·      Priority – We must prioritize our plan in order to maximize our ability for fulfilling our purpose.  Priority means we are putting our goals in the right order for completing them.  As we accomplish certain goals it let’s us know that we are on target for starting our purpose.  Setting your goals in the right priority, and achieving them can help you know when it is time to begin working on fulfilling your life’s purpose.
·      Path – The last thing to help us discover and fulfill our purpose is following the right path for achieving our purpose.  It is important for us to be sensitive and aware of the path we need to go on, so we can be ready because it can lead us in fulfilling our purpose.  It could mean hooking up with the right people that can help finance your plan for fulfilling your purpose. 

My wife and I have encouraged all our children to fulfill their life’s purpose, and we see it with our youngest daughter Danae doing her cupcake business.  It all started with her watching cupcake wars on the Food Network and DC Cupcakes on TLC.  She read books from the library on baking, started baking cupcakes and enjoying it, and she is currently attending a trade school for baking.  Her first batch of cupcakes that she baked was a disaster because the cupcakes disintegrated into her baking pans.  Danae was so discouraged that she wanted to give up baking, but my wife encouraged her to stick with it, which she did and is still baking today.  Baking is Danae’s passion and her desire is to be an entrepreneur one day owning her own cupcake business.  She is fulfilling her life’s purpose.  Whatever your desire is to be in life, the only one who can stop you is you.  I encourage you to go after your passion, prepare yourself, make a plan, prioritize your plan, and follow the path that will lead you to fulfilling your purpose.  We were created to fulfill our life’s purpose, so just go out and do it.

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

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