week I started a blog series entitled “The Role Leadership Plays In The
Home”. I wrote the blog to share with
husbands and wives, and parents that it takes leadership to have a successful
home. We looked at Dr. John C. Maxwell’s
book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, and talked about “The Law of The
Lid”. The Law of The Lid says,
“Leadership Ability Determines a Person’s Level of Effectiveness.” As a leader our leadership ability (good or
bad) will determine our level of effectiveness (positive or negative) whether
people will be influenced enough to follow us.
We must be able to lead ourselves before we can lead others even in the
home, and when people see it they will be willing to trust our leadership. Another aspect of leadership comes from the
perspective of serving individuals that we lead in our marriage and family.
Today we want to look at the role of leadership in the home as husbands and
wives serve each other, and as parents serve their children.
we want to look at what Dr. John C. Maxwell says about leadership that can be
applied to marriage and family relationships.
In the book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, he talks about
another law called “The Law of Addition”.
The Law of Addition means “Leaders Add Value by Serving Others.” He goes on to say, “When you add value to
people, you lift them up, help them advance, make them a part of something
bigger than themselves, and assist them in becoming who they were made to
be”. In other words, leaders add value
to the people they are leading by serving and helping them to become a better
person, instead of looking to be served.
we talk about leaders serving their followers, we are referring to leaders
being servant leaders. A servant leader is someone who serves those that he or she leads
out of love, who meets the needs of individuals they’re serving instead of
being served, is an example to the people they’re leading, and values the
growth of the people they’re leading so they can in turn lead and serve others.
we look at being a servant leader, we must focus on the biblical principle of
servanthood that is seen through the life of Jesus. In Mark 10:45 it says, “For even the Son of
Man came not to be serve but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom
for many.” Jesus gives us the example of
how we should lead others, which is to serve them in order to help meet their
needs. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but
he came to serve others even to the point of sacrificing his own life. As husbands
we are to serve our wives and children with all our energy and life, especially
as the head of the home. Wives you are
to serve your husband and children with all your heart and strength. Parents we are servant leaders in the home, and
even though we are the authority figures in our children’s lives, we are still to
serve them until they live on their own.

As servant leaders in our home, my wife and I try to serve each other as well as our children. As a husband, I try to add value to my wife and children by lovingly serving them through my actions. Every Saturday morning I try to fix breakfast for my family. When my wife needs a break from doing certain things, I try to serve her by taking on something that she usually does to give her a break. My wife does the same thing for me by serving me in a way that adds value to my life. She will serve me by taking our daughter to the subway station to go to school, in order to give me a break so I can get some rest. The key is we don’t take one another for granted, expecting the other to do something because of their position in the home as husband or wife.
work together as a team because we want to help each other to become
better. That’s servant leadership in
demonstration, where you serve your spouse or children to add value to them,
instead of waiting or expecting them to serve you. As married couples and parents, you are
servant leaders in your home, placed there to add value and serve the
individuals in your marriage or family. Take time out to look for every opportunity to
add value by serving your spouse or children, and when you do it genuinely out
of a pure heart, God will bless you greatly.
Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

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