I have always heard the phrase, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” Every time I have heard that phrase, it usually
happens after someone has achieved some goal(s) in their organization, by
working together with a team of people. When I look at a marital relationship between
a husband and wife, the same thing can be said.
It takes teamwork between a couple working together to have a strong and
healthy marriage. I can truly say I have
learned through years of being married to my wonderful wife, for a marriage to
be successful it takes both spouses working together as a team to accomplish it. When couples aren’t working together in their
marriage all it does is create division, confusion, difficulty, and conflict
which eventually separates and destroys marriages. The good news is when we are pulling together
operating in our strengths as a team, it can truly make the dream work of achieving
the goal for having a strong and healthy marriage.
When we look at the word
teamwork it can be used synonymously to the word team. Teamwork or Team is where two or more
people are working together to accomplish a certain task or goal. Dr. John C. Maxwell
in his book “The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork”, has a chapter in the
book called “The Law of Significance”.
The Law of Significance says, “One Is Too Small a Number to Achieve
Greatness”. This is saying if we are
going to accomplish anything great or significant in our marriage, it is going
to take us working together with our spouse.
Practicing teamwork can make the dream
work in our marriage. Working together
with our spouse can help us overcome obstacles that fight against our
relationship. We need to also work as a team in order to achieve our goals. One of the main goals we should shoot for is having
a strong and healthy marital relationship, so we can bring our children up in a
healthy home environment. I believe there are three areas where as married
couples we can work together to help us have a strong and healthy marriage.

Intimacy – As married couples we should always be working together on our marriage
building an intimate relationship with one another. When most people hear the word intimacy they
think only of sex, but the word means more than sex. Intimacy is taking
the mask off being able to share the good, bad, and ugly about ourselves, knowing
that we will still be accepted by our mate.
Intimacy is connecting with our mate at the different levels of
spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical (sex). We should always be working together
as husband and wives to keep the romance going in our marriage with one
another. We should still be dating or
courting each other, and constantly sharing our lives
together in open and honest conversation with our spouse.
In The Home – As married couples we should be working together with our spouse
when it comes to the domestic responsibilities of the home. Today
both spouses are working in our society in order to handle the financial
responsibility of a marriage, so as a result it takes teamwork by couples fulfilling
their roles in the home. As husbands and wives whatever our responsibilities are in
the home, whether it is cooking or cleaning we need to do it as a team. Effectively operating in our roles together in
the home, can help us achieve the goal of having a strong and healthy marriage.
Financial Harmony – As married couples it is important
that we work together as a team when it comes to having financial harmony in
the home. The first thing we shouldn’t
be doing is making a distinction between your money and your spouse’s money, but
the attitude should be that “our” money makes up the financial picture for the marriage. The second important factor is for couples to
determine who is better at handling finances, and as a team work together on your
spending and saving to accomplish your financial goals. It is important for you to determine what your
financial goals are, and strive together with teamwork to sticking to a budget
so you can stay out of debt.

Even the Bible talks about
the power of teamwork between two people walking in agreement, to accomplish
anything in life. In Amos 3:3 it says,
“Can two people walk without agreeing on the direction?” The answer is no because in order to go in any
direction both partners must agree. We
need to honor God in our personal lives, and in our marriage with our spouse as
we walk together. Working together as a
team has helped my wife and I accomplish our goals such as having a healthy
marriage for 31 years, raising three children who are doing well for themselves
as young adults, and owning our home just to name a few things. We have overcome several difficulties in our
marriage, but we have learned the art of teamwork that makes the dream
work. We honor God in our personal
lives, and in our marriage. I believe when
it comes to marriage no matter what your roles are as a husband and wife, the
goals you set together to achieve will take teamwork which makes the dream work. I encourage all couples to work together to
accomplish all your goals, but let your main goal be to have a healthy and
strong marriage.
Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.
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