Monday, October 19, 2015


Today’s blog is entitled “How To Be Loved And Respected By Your Children”.  I was really motivated to write this blog after looking at a couple of videos on YouTube.  One was about an African-American family, and the second was about a white family.  Both videos showed how children were disrespecting their parents. 

·         The first video showed an African-American family of a mother and her two children (son and daughter).  The family was shopping in a grocery store.  The children were off the chain running around the store, and the son was eating food without his mother paying for it.  The problem was brought to the mother’s attention, and she confronted her son about it.  She grabbed and began to curse at him.  Eventually, both children disrespected the mother by the way they talked to her, and the things they did to her.
·         The second video showed a white family, a mother and her son, who was on the Dr. Phil show.  The video shows the mother sitting with her son confronting him about his disrespectful behavior.  They go back and forth talking at one another until the son gets so angry and slaps his mother in the face.

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These are just two examples of children disrespecting their parents.  How many other times have you seen a child on T.V., or in public not respecting their parents by either hitting or talking to them inappropriately?  It seems like in our society you see more and more children and teenagers displaying disrespectful behavior toward their parents.  Maybe the reason why there are so many disrespectful children is because many parents are absent in their lives, there is little or no structure in their lives, or it could be the lack of love shown in the home.  There could be many reasons why children don’t display love and respect toward their parents. 

As parents when it comes to being loved and respected by our children, everything starts and ends with us.  Firstly, we must love our children not based on their performance or what they do or don’t, but love them unconditionally with no strings attached.  Loving our children unconditionally means accepting them for who they are, and appreciating them for what they do.  As a result they can feel loved by us and respond to us in love.  Secondly, we must respect our children as we hold them accountable to standards set for them to follow.  Even if our children over step a standard or behave disrespectfully, we must discipline them in a respectful way.    The standards we set for them to follow should be the same ones we are following in our life.  If our children are going to respect us as parent, it is because we are modeling respect before them, and practicing the same standards we are teaching them.  This will allow us to gain our children’s respect, and cause them to respect us as their parents.     

How we love and respect our children will determine how they will love and respect us as parents.  I believe God gives us a biblical principle in Ephesians 6:4, which says “Fathers, do not to provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them.  Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.”  Here God is not only speaking to fathers but to mothers as well.  He is saying as parents we are not to provoke our children to anger by the way we treat them, but to love and respect them.  We are to also discipline and instruct our kids by holding them to the standards we teach them, but they need to see us model what we teach.  My wife and I have gained our children’s love and respect, but on different occasions we had to deal with disrespectful behavior.  We decided we would allow our children to speak their mind, but we would not allow them to be disrespectful to us.  Parents I encourage you to talk to your children to make sure they feel unconditionally loved, and respected by you.  Hold your kids accountable to your standards in a respectful way, but make sure you are observing them too.  We can be loved and respected by our children.      

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

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