Monday, December 21, 2015


The Christmas Holiday Season is one of my favorite times of the year, because it’s just another opportunity where we can get with family and friends to celebrate.  For some people it is a lonely time due to the death of a spouse or love one.  For others they are living in isolation due to conflict, or a disagreement with someone, causing them to stay away from their family or friends.  I believe the holidays are a good time for family and friends to get together with one another.  Our society has commercialized Christmas where it is about the gifts that people get, so we spend a lot of money going in debt trying to please people.  We miss the true meaning of the Christmas, but when we take the proper perspective about the holiday it only becomes another day we can show appreciation for the people in our lives.  I believe we should be spending time showing appreciation to our spouse and family members through out the year.  I know everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas, for there are those who celebrate Kwanzaa or Hanukkah.  Whatever holiday we celebrate, we should use it as a way to connect with family and friends, considering how short life can be these days.

Although the holidays are a great time to get together with our family, so many times we allow disagreements to separate us from one another breaking our family connection.  I remember a funny Christmas movie called “Home Alone” with Macaulay Culkin, who played a kid named Kevin McCallister.  The McCallister family along with other relatives had planned on going away for the Christmas holiday to Paris.  In the midst of the family rushing trying to catch their flight at the airport, they mistakenly left Kevin at home alone.  As the family was flying on the plane the mother discovered her son was missing.  While Kevin was home alone, he discovered some robbers had planned on breaking into his home, and he decided he was going to fight to protect his house from them.  In the movie Kevin on Christmas Eve went to a church earlier that day, and while there he saw his neighbor an older man sitting in the church.  The gentleman told Kevin that he was there to see his granddaughter sing in the choir.  He came to the church early because his son was coming later to see her sing, and due to an argument they had a long time ago they weren’t seeing or talking to one another.  The gentlemen wanted to see his son who had gotten married, so Kevin suggested to the man to call his son, and patch things up with him in order to get back together.  Later, as the movie was ending there was a scene where the man and his son had gotten back together, and they all went into the man’s house to celebrate Christmas together as a family.  

We must not forget the real reason for Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus the Savior.  The Bible says in Luke 2:11, “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  Jesus was born as the Savior of the world to save us from our sins, and bring us back into a relationship with God.  Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus during the holiday season.  Every Christmas morning as a family, we get up and come together to read the story of the birth of Jesus from the Bible in Luke 2:1-20.  We also use Christmas as a day of bonding with each other by opening our presents together, having a special breakfast, watching the Disney Christmas Day parade and NBA Basketball games on T.V.  And lets not forget preparing and having our Christmas Day dinner together.  The day isn’t about the presents we get or give, but it is about being together as a family, and honoring the birth of our Savior, Jesus Chrits.

The gentleman in the “Home Alone” movie got reunited with his son, all because the man was willing to call his son.  They used the Christmas holiday as an opportunity to bring them back together.  The best time to get with family and friends is the holiday season.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah the holiday season is a great time to come together and bond with people.  I encourage you not to allow arguments or conflicts to separate you from people you have relationships with in your life.  Get with your family and friends during the holidays, and enjoy your time together with them.  If you haven’t been able to get with people during the year, the holidays are a great time to visit them.  I hope we all take time out for our family and friends this holiday season.  

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

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