Monday, December 28, 2015


As we are about to enter a new year this week, this blog is about the importance of us doing some reflections on the relationships that matter the most to us.  The word reflection means to meditate on something, so in this case we will be looking back to see how healthy our relationships are and have been.  We want to focus on our relationship with our spouse if we are married, or the relationships with those who are apart of our family.  As a husband or wife we need to see how we can better our relationship with each other.  As parents or siblings we need to see how we can better our relationships with our other family members.  Good marriages don’t happen automatically, but they take hard work between both spouses.  The same is true in that great family relationships don’t happen automatically, but it takes everyone working together as a team in the home.  Our goal should be to have a healthy and strong marriage or family, and one of the ways we can achieve it is through evaluating and improving our relationships. 

I believe there are three areas we can focus on to help us evaluate and improve our marital relationship or our family relationships, which are communication, connection, and commitment.
·      Communication.  When it comes to married couples, communication is important because it helps them to have authentic conversation with one another.  As married couples we need to be able to talk openly and honestly to one another, in order to deal with whatever is right or wrong with our marriage.  As married couples we need to communicate loving words of affirmation and appreciation to our spouse.  As parents we need to communicate to our children how well they are doing and maturing in life.  We need to have authentic conversation with our children pertaining to their behavior and attitude as they grow up.  As well as speaking words of love, affirmation and appreciation to them, even when we need to correct and discipline to them.  Siblings need to constantly be working on communication with their other siblings, in order to have a good relationship with them.
·      Connection.  Another area where we evaluate and improve our marital and family relationships are connecting with each other.  In order to connect with our spouse, or our family members we have to communicate with each other, but it is more than just talking to people, it is doing what is needed to connect with them.  It could be as simple as being present with our spouse or family members, who are going through a tough situation in their life and need someone to listen to them.  It is making ourselves available for people giving them our undivided attention.  It is taking time to understand our spouse, parents, or siblings in order to build a better relationship with each other.  As siblings we need to do activities together that will help to promote a good relationship.   

·      Commitment.  Commitment reveals our loyalty to our spouse and family members, being there emotionally and relationally when needed for them.  Commitment says “I will be there with you through the good and bad times together.”    No matter how good a marital relationship we have with our spouse difficulties will happen, but it is important for them to know we are committed to them in the relationship.  As a parent it is important for our children to know we are committed to them, no matter how good or bad they behave.  We want our children to know we love them, and we are committed to them.

As we are getting ready to end the year and start a new year, it is important to evaluate and see how we can improve our marital or family relationship.  As husbands we need to see how we can connect with our wife heart to heart, helping us to have a close knit relationship where they know they are loved.  My wife and I have learned the importance of speaking the truth in love to one another, being able to have the tough conversations of what are the problems or difficulties in our marriage.  As parents we try to talk to our children to see what is going on in their lives, as well as work on our relationship with them to make it better.  My brothers and I are constantly trying to work on our relationship with each other.  I encourage you married couples to talk to each other to evaluate how well your marital relationship is with each other, and together make the changes needed to better your marriage.  As parents evaluate how well you are spending quality time talking to your children, and make the changes to improve your relationship with them.  The greatest things we have are our relationships so let’s take care of them.

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

Monday, December 21, 2015


The Christmas Holiday Season is one of my favorite times of the year, because it’s just another opportunity where we can get with family and friends to celebrate.  For some people it is a lonely time due to the death of a spouse or love one.  For others they are living in isolation due to conflict, or a disagreement with someone, causing them to stay away from their family or friends.  I believe the holidays are a good time for family and friends to get together with one another.  Our society has commercialized Christmas where it is about the gifts that people get, so we spend a lot of money going in debt trying to please people.  We miss the true meaning of the Christmas, but when we take the proper perspective about the holiday it only becomes another day we can show appreciation for the people in our lives.  I believe we should be spending time showing appreciation to our spouse and family members through out the year.  I know everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas, for there are those who celebrate Kwanzaa or Hanukkah.  Whatever holiday we celebrate, we should use it as a way to connect with family and friends, considering how short life can be these days.

Although the holidays are a great time to get together with our family, so many times we allow disagreements to separate us from one another breaking our family connection.  I remember a funny Christmas movie called “Home Alone” with Macaulay Culkin, who played a kid named Kevin McCallister.  The McCallister family along with other relatives had planned on going away for the Christmas holiday to Paris.  In the midst of the family rushing trying to catch their flight at the airport, they mistakenly left Kevin at home alone.  As the family was flying on the plane the mother discovered her son was missing.  While Kevin was home alone, he discovered some robbers had planned on breaking into his home, and he decided he was going to fight to protect his house from them.  In the movie Kevin on Christmas Eve went to a church earlier that day, and while there he saw his neighbor an older man sitting in the church.  The gentleman told Kevin that he was there to see his granddaughter sing in the choir.  He came to the church early because his son was coming later to see her sing, and due to an argument they had a long time ago they weren’t seeing or talking to one another.  The gentlemen wanted to see his son who had gotten married, so Kevin suggested to the man to call his son, and patch things up with him in order to get back together.  Later, as the movie was ending there was a scene where the man and his son had gotten back together, and they all went into the man’s house to celebrate Christmas together as a family.  

We must not forget the real reason for Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus the Savior.  The Bible says in Luke 2:11, “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  Jesus was born as the Savior of the world to save us from our sins, and bring us back into a relationship with God.  Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus during the holiday season.  Every Christmas morning as a family, we get up and come together to read the story of the birth of Jesus from the Bible in Luke 2:1-20.  We also use Christmas as a day of bonding with each other by opening our presents together, having a special breakfast, watching the Disney Christmas Day parade and NBA Basketball games on T.V.  And lets not forget preparing and having our Christmas Day dinner together.  The day isn’t about the presents we get or give, but it is about being together as a family, and honoring the birth of our Savior, Jesus Chrits.

The gentleman in the “Home Alone” movie got reunited with his son, all because the man was willing to call his son.  They used the Christmas holiday as an opportunity to bring them back together.  The best time to get with family and friends is the holiday season.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah the holiday season is a great time to come together and bond with people.  I encourage you not to allow arguments or conflicts to separate you from people you have relationships with in your life.  Get with your family and friends during the holidays, and enjoy your time together with them.  If you haven’t been able to get with people during the year, the holidays are a great time to visit them.  I hope we all take time out for our family and friends this holiday season.  

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

Monday, December 14, 2015


“We were created for a purpose”.  No matter who we are it is important to know that we were born for a reason, and we are not an accident.  I know my mother told me that her and my father hadn’t planned on having another child, but 11 years later I was born.  Even though my father and mother didn’t planned on having me, they were still glad and grateful that I was born.  Later as my two older brothers became adults and got married, I lived with my mother until I got married.  As mother got older and needed more help I was able to move her in with my family in order to take care of her.  My mother had taken care of me all her life, and I felt God had blessed me to able to take care of her.  I felt I was born for a purpose, to be there for my mother.

Today I want you to know that your birth wasn’t an accident, and your life has meaning and purpose here on earth.  In a book called “The Purpose Driven Life - What On Earth Am I Here For” written by Rick Warren, he shared the purpose for why we were created.  In the book under a section called “Day 2 You Are Not an Accident”, he says “Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature.  Your parents may not have planned you, but God did.  He was not at all surprised by your birth.  In fact, he expected it.  Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God.  He thought of you first.  It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment.  You are alive because God wanted to create you!” 

I believe we were created for God’s purpose of honoring Him with our lives, as we live out our life’s purpose.  All of us were born with gifts and talents to use in order to fulfill our life’s purpose.  A biblical principle reveals to us how we are created.  In Psalms 139:14 it says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  We were created for a purpose.  Last week we started looking at five things that can help us discover and fulfill our purpose, which are: passion, preparation, plan, priority, and path.  We covered passion and preparation in detail, and today we will cover plan, priority, and path.  
·      Plan – Once we discover our purpose through our passion and begin preparing ourselves for fulfilling it, next we need to make a strategic plan for achieving our life’s purpose.  We must carefully plan out each phase and write down the associated cost with it.  If you feel your purpose is to do a particular thing in life, then make a plan so you will know what direction you need to go in order to fulfill your purpose.
·      Priority – We must prioritize our plan in order to maximize our ability for fulfilling our purpose.  Priority means we are putting our goals in the right order for completing them.  As we accomplish certain goals it let’s us know that we are on target for starting our purpose.  Setting your goals in the right priority, and achieving them can help you know when it is time to begin working on fulfilling your life’s purpose.
·      Path – The last thing to help us discover and fulfill our purpose is following the right path for achieving our purpose.  It is important for us to be sensitive and aware of the path we need to go on, so we can be ready because it can lead us in fulfilling our purpose.  It could mean hooking up with the right people that can help finance your plan for fulfilling your purpose. 

My wife and I have encouraged all our children to fulfill their life’s purpose, and we see it with our youngest daughter Danae doing her cupcake business.  It all started with her watching cupcake wars on the Food Network and DC Cupcakes on TLC.  She read books from the library on baking, started baking cupcakes and enjoying it, and she is currently attending a trade school for baking.  Her first batch of cupcakes that she baked was a disaster because the cupcakes disintegrated into her baking pans.  Danae was so discouraged that she wanted to give up baking, but my wife encouraged her to stick with it, which she did and is still baking today.  Baking is Danae’s passion and her desire is to be an entrepreneur one day owning her own cupcake business.  She is fulfilling her life’s purpose.  Whatever your desire is to be in life, the only one who can stop you is you.  I encourage you to go after your passion, prepare yourself, make a plan, prioritize your plan, and follow the path that will lead you to fulfilling your purpose.  We were created to fulfill our life’s purpose, so just go out and do it.

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Have you ever asked yourself the question “What on earth am I here for?”  I think we all have either asked the question to ourselves, or have thought about it.  I have asked myself the question.  The reason why was because I had a desire to accomplish all that I was created to do.  I wanted to know my purpose for being alive, so I could make a difference in the world.  Life is a journey and it is all about understanding why we are born and knowing our purpose, so we can use our gifts and talents to fulfill the reason why we were placed on this earth.  The word “purpose” means the reason for which something exists or done, made or used.   Fulfilling our life’s purpose is about achieving our dreams and ambitions we feel we were created to do.  As we grow up and mature, we can come to know our purpose and pursue it. We must realize whatever we may feel called to do, it will include us helping and benefiting others.  That’s why it is important that we try to understand our life’s purpose so we can achieve it.  

When it comes to understanding our purpose in life, I believe we can find the answer by looking to God.  In fact, Rick Warren who is a pastor wrote a book titled “The Purpose Driven Life - What On Earth Am I Here For”.  Many people who desired to know their purpose and meaning in life bought the book, and it was on the New York Times best sellers list.  In the first section of the book called “Day 1 - It All Start with God”, he says when referring to life it’s not about you.  He explains, “The purpose of life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness.  It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions.  If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God.  You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.  The search for purpose of life has puzzled people for thousands of years.  That’s because we typically begin at the wrong starting point – ourselves.  We ask self-centered questions like “What do I want to be?  What should I do with my life?  What are my goals, my ambitions, my dreams for my future? “ But focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life’s purpose.  The Bible says in Job 12:10, “It is God who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone’s life is in his power. ” 

I believe Rick Warren was saying to us, the true purpose of life comes from a relationship with God through Jesus.  It doesn’t come from people, events, job, or material wealth.  No person or thing can give our life meaning and purpose, only God who created us can do it.  The right perspective of life can help us to fulfill our purpose, and honor Him through our achievements.  In fact, here are five things that can help us discover and fulfill our purpose, which are: passion, preparation, plan, priority, and path.  Today we will cover passion and preparation.
·      Passion – It is having a love for something we enjoy doing.  Passion can help us discover our purpose.  When referring to fulfilling our life’s purpose, passion involves doing something we desire to do because we enjoy it.  You aren’t just doing something only to make money, but you are doing it because you love it.  The bonus is since you are good at it, you are able to make money doing it, but your whole desire is to help impact people.
·      Preparation – Once we come to know what our purpose in life is, it is important for us to work hard in order to get ready for fulfilling it.  Preparation for fulfilling your purpose might mean reading book(s) on the subject of your calling, or taking some classes in order to get ready for accomplishing your calling.  No matter whatever the area in life involving our purpose, we must be willing to do everything possible in order to fulfill our calling.      

We were created for God’s purpose to honor Him with our life, as we live out our life’s purpose here on earth.  Passion helps us to discover our life’s purpose, and preparation gets us ready for fulfilling it.  I am fulfilling my life’s purpose through “Living In The Family”.  My desire is to impact people helping them to have healthy and strong marital and family relationships, and one of the ways I am doing this is by writing blogs on the subject of marriage and family.   As a man I have developed into the husband and father that I am today, and because of it I am able to write about it in my blogs.  Whether your purpose is being an entrepreneur owning your own business, running a nonprofit organization, leading a group of people in an organization, leading a family or marriage in the home, pastoring a church, or achieving whatever your desires are in life.  Life is about doing what we were placed on this earth to do, which is to fulfill our life’s purpose.

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or feedback.